Dowsing Foundations with Joan Reid: The Power of Intention

Joan Reid is an artist, teacher, and energy worker who taught art and computers in the school system for many years. She is also a clinical hypnotherapist, Reiki master, Hawaiian energetics practitioner, and dowser. Joan’s interest in dowsing began when she took a class in basic dowsing 30 years ago. Since then, she has become an instructor and director of the American Society of Dowsers’ basic Foundations course, teaching the building blocks of this ancient art and science to newbies and seasoned dowsers alike. 

Joan believes that we are energy beings and that everything is energy. She teaches people to trust their intuition and use dowsing to access information from the energy around them. Joan Reid discusses her experiences with dowsing and the power of intuition. She shares how she became interested in dowsing and the importance of trusting one’s feelings and knowing. Joan also talks about the limitations of the education system in nurturing children’s natural abilities and the challenges she faced as a teacher. 

Joan emphasizes the need for individuals to embrace their own power and abilities and offers insights into the Dowsing Foundations course she teaches.

About the guest

Joan Reid, CHT, is an artist, teacher, energy worker, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/teacher, Hawaiian Energetics practitioner, and life member of ASD. She has been a dowser most of her life. For over 30 years, she has been an integral part of ASD as an instructor, speaker, and director for the ASD Basic Foundation School at the annual conventions. Joan taught art in NYS public schools and helped her students understand dowsing and energy work. She was awarded 2017 Educator of the Year and is currently the President of the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers Chapter. She also maintains an office seeing clients, and teaches classes in meditation, art, dowsing, journeying, dream work, Reiki, Hawaiian Energetics, and connecting with your inner voice through Art. Joan builds labyrinths and is a beekeeper living in northern New York.


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Intuitive guide, energy teacher, and mentor, Charisse Sisou connects soulful leaders with the people, impact, ease, and prosperity they desire, through the power of story, body, and ancient wisdom redefined. 

As an author, speaker, messaging expert, and bellydancer, she brings revolutionary tools and insights to elevate your life and business—with pleasure, ease, and grace.