
Soulful mentorship and support for your journey

Calling my beloved circle of soulful entrepreneurs, leaders, wayshowers, and changemakers: You CAN have fun and ease, and be exquisitely supported and outrageously profitable in the business of your dreams… No matter what.
You CAN create wild success, without sacrificing your pleasure or happiness.

You CAN do the work you’re here on the planet to do.

You CAN be gorgeously compensated.

You CAN have the time and energy freedom of your dreams.

Yes, my loves. It is ALL possible—with the right tools and support. Let us walk this path together.

The right mentorship can provide rich, fertile ground in which to cultivate a life and business that doesn’t rely on circumstances but on your unshakable, eternal center and nonnegotiable pleasure.

You are here to do BIG work. You need the space, systems, and support to create it. Welcome home.

Working with me is for you if…

You’re heart-centered, and may identify as an intuitive, empath, healer, creative, or sensitive. 

You are on a spiritual path. You believe in some form of higher intelligence. In magic. In universal connection. 

And you desire to be (even more) wildly successful. Because you are ambitious and driven, you’ve reached a level of success—AND you want more. 

More abundance, more prosperity, more ease, more grace, and more FUN. More balance. More passion. More time, more energy. More travel. More vacations. More soul-aligned work. More impact. Did I mention more fun??

You are here to bring more balance (a.k.a. unconditional love) to the collective. Call it the Rising Feminine, balancing yin and yang, raising the vibration, rewilding the natural world and ourselves, honoring our ancestral and indigenous wisdom, shifting the planet to power with versus power over, or healing your industry. 

You’ve likely been here before, whether through ancestral wisdom passed down through DNA, blood, and bone; past lives; collective memory; archetypes; soul contracts; dreams; or even déjà-vu or inexplicable emotion as you visit or read about a part of the world you’ve never been. 

If the words queen, witch, priestess, or wise woman ring a bell for you—or all of the above—you likely DID guide our spiritual and communal path once or many times before.

As a high-performing entrepreneur and old soul who’s already reached a level of success, you have specific challenges on the path:

A complicated relationship with money and worth. 

Generational and collective trauma impacts our present: our ancestors were stripped of their power, and money has been used as an excuse to plunder Earth’s resources and marginalize people. In past lifetimes, many of us took poverty vows or had everything taken from us because of who we were.

The current paradigm also undervalues women’s work, especially work that stems from our magic, creativity, and feminine power. This all leads us to undercharge, overdeliver, or spend money faster than we receive it. To have the impact we desire to have, it is critical that we:

Learn how to heal our relationship with money, receive abundantly, value our work highly, circulate money with pleasure, and be in service AND prosperity at the same time.

Cycles of depletion—in time, energy, and emotion.

As energetic frequencies get higher and faster on the planet in this time of rapid transformation, you’re processing a LOT right now, for yourself and those around you. As our bodies adjust, that too takes energy.

You likely still have too much on your plate, even with systems and a team. And you may feel especially sensitive, unfocused, impatient, uneasy, sad, happy, or angry—sometimes all at the same time! Especially during this highly distracting, polarized time.

As an empath, intuitive, or sensitive, you require specialized methods for working with energy, setting healthy boundaries, releasing what’s not yours, and sustaining an unshakable center—while leveraging and amplifying your gifts.

Learn how to fill your cup, bend time, receive support, and command energy.

Uncertainty or isolation in your business, message, and life. 

You may struggle around what your next right step is, or how to put into words and market what it is you do, so you can reach the people you’re here to serve. Hint: if you’re drawing non-soul clients, are in the midst of a re-brand or transition, or have hit a plateau, it’s time to revisit your message and strategy.

As a rare magical unicorn, and often the only one in the room, you may feel isolated, alone, or misunderstood. You may have tried other communities, and ended up feeling disappointed or alienated. You’ve outgrown your current circle, mastermind, or coach and are ready to go deeper and show up as even MORE yourself.

In Alchemy, you receive the support to spread your angel or fairy wings, bring your cauldron, sport your bejeweled crown, and show up as your WHOLE, juicy self.

Receive the (r)evolutionary rituals, practices, and sacred container you need to:

Clear your focus
Put an end to energy-sucking drama and distraction once and for all.
Take inspired action
Led by your deepest knowing, guidance, and abundance heartset.
Bend time and re-source energy
So you are more spacious and effective in your day-to-day—without giving up evenings, weekends, and ample space to reflect and recharge throughout your day. 
Feel connected
Be supported by someone who truly understands where you’re coming from and where you’re going—and can hold you and your vision in a space of positivity and co-creation.
Ease stress and move through emotions
Without bypassing the experience—so you own what’s yours, and release the rest, with family, friends, team, and clients.
Get crystal clear on how to send out a high-vibration message
So you attract your soul people in an inclusive way that repels your non-ideal people—while staying 100% true to yourself.
Quickly navigate and quell indecision and self-doubt
So you don’t stay stuck or paralyzed.


Intuitive guide, energy teacher, and mentor, Charisse Sisou connects soulful leaders with the people, impact, ease, and prosperity they desire, through the power of story, body, and ancient wisdom redefined. 

As an author, speaker, messaging expert, and bellydancer, she brings revolutionary tools and insights to elevate your life and business—with pleasure, ease, and grace.