Multi-Dimensional Healing with Steve Pulvermacher
So, how does a plumber become an energy healer?
When I first met Steve Pulvermacher, his unpretentiousness and impish humor immediately struck me, along with his profound generosity with his gifts and learnings.
Listen to Steve’s extraordinary story of how his world and belief systems got turned upside down when his youngest daughter developed severe asthma. After years of treatment with little relief, he thought, “There’s got to be a better way.” His exploration of alternative approaches launched him down a path that not only relieved his daughter’s condition, it landed him a new vocation. Now a minister, energy healer, and Reiki-certified practitioner who has trained in dowsing, acupuncture, emotion code, body code, and radionics, Steve uses muscle testing (a form of dowsing) to identify and release trapped emotions, which can cause imbalances in the body and spirit.
Our conversation takes a fascinating turn when Steve discusses negative entities and “dark energies” he’s encountered in his work, and how he resolved them. The key, he says, is to stay in the present moment, focus on positive thoughts, and be “NEO,” a non-emotional observer, to avoid getting caught up in negativity. (Not unlike Neo in The Matrix, learning how to tell the difference between what is real and what is not…!) It starts with paying attention to the words we use, and becoming aware of our subconscious programming. Steve encourages practicing love and gratitude as a daily affirmation for a more joyful and fulfilling life.
So, with love and gratitude, I introduce you to Steve Pulvermacher. Enjoy!
#emotioncode #emotioncodepractitioner #bodycode #energyhealing #multidimensionalhealing
- Steve Pulvermacher is a multi-disciplinary healer with training in various modalities such as dowsing, acupuncture, emotion code, body code, and radionics.
- He uses muscle testing and dowsing to identify and release trapped emotions, which can cause imbalances in the body.
- Steve specializes in using scalar light for healing and emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions and obtaining consent in his practice.
- His approach to healing is individualized and focuses on addressing the root causes of imbalances. Negative entities and dark energies are active and can cause physical and mental health issues.
- Clearing and releasing trapped emotions can help alleviate the influence of negative entities.
- Staying in the present moment and having positive thoughts are essential for maintaining a higher frequency and avoiding negativity.
- Being a non-emotional observer (NEO) allows one to observe and detach from negative situations.
- Conscious language and positive affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind.
- Practicing love and gratitude daily can bring more joy and fulfillment.
Dr Michelle Peal & Scalar energy
Please note: these time signatures aren’t quite accurate, since they were generated before editing… but they’ll point you in the right direction!
00:00 Introduction and Background of Steve Pulvermacher
01:46 Steve’s Journey into Healing
05:35 Dowsing and Muscle Testing
08:17 Trapped Emotions and Emotional Healing
13:27 Asking the Right Questions in Dowsing
15:28 Consent and Permission in Healing
18:50 Addressing Allergies and Intolerances
21:57 Shifts in Challenges with Scalar Energy
22:21 The Existence of Negative Entities
25:13 The Effects of Dark Energy
26:34 Clearing Dark Energy
30:41 The Connection Between Plumbing and Energy Healing
33:24 Staying in the Present Moment
36:44 Releasing Trapped Emotions
39:57 The Power of Language and Awareness
41:40 The Subconscious Mind and Affirmations
42:55 Practicing Love and Gratitude
Steve Pulvermacher, minister, energy healer, Reiki certified, dowsing, acupuncture, emotion code, body code, radionics, trapped emotions, muscle testing, scalar light, individualized healing, energy healing, negative entities, dark energies, clearing, trapped emotions, present moment, positive thoughts, non-emotional observer, conscious language, subconscious programming, love, gratitude
Read on…
Charisse Sisou (00:00)
Ready to have a deeper conversation about body and soul, sacred leadership, and our collective evolution? Welcome to the Wise Body, Ancient Soul podcast with me, your host, Charisse Sisou.
Charisse Sisou (00:21)
I’m so excited to welcome Steve Pulvermacher to the show this week. And before we hop in, I want to give you a little background about Steve. Steve Pulvermacher is a minister, energy healer and is Reiki certified. He received dowsing training from Joey Korn, a practitioner of spiritual dowsing.
and learned dowsing techniques from Raymon Grace, an international energy worker. Under Joseph Burchick Jr., a well-known acupuncturist of Monona, Wisconsin, Steve was trained to eliminate allergies from adults, children, babies, and animals. It brings Steve joy to enable people to eat foods they had to give up because it made them sick or to relieve them from the effects of pollen that made them sneeze.
noses run and eyes water. Steve once had that same problem, but not anymore. Steve is a certified practitioner of the emotion code by Dr. Bradley Nelson and also uses his body code system to find the underlying cause of PTSD, autoimmune diseases, emotional eating, and imbalance related to energies, circuitry, toxicity, and pathogens, structural and nutritional.
Steve practices regenerative techniques having attended an intensive workshop with Ken Graydon, author of Healing the Handbook. Steve endorses the guidelines outlined by Anthony Williams Medical Medium to heal chronic diseases and will work with you to find the best balancing technique. Steve is a family man and has three adult daughters with grandchildren and great grandchildren. He works from his home near Portage, Wisconsin. Please welcome Steve. Wow.
There’s so much to talk about. But I would love to start. I’d love to start with your story, your journey into this work. Because it’s, it’s almost like as is so often the case, our work finds us versus the other way around. Will you tell us a little bit about how you got into being the healer that you are today?
Steve (02:09)
Ha ha ha.
Well my journey started with my youngest daughter who at the time was two years old and was quite sick and had asthma really bad and would get very sick. And she was put on different sprays and medicines and pills.
correct that problem, but it didn’t correct it. at about age eight or nine, they were going to put her on steroids. And I said, there’s got to be a better way. So that’s when I started reading about all the alternative healing practices out there and read a lot about acupuncture and read that it could actually heal that problem. And most people said, and doctors said, that can’t be done. So we took her to an acupuncturist and it took.
Charisse Sisou (03:12)
Steve (03:17)
quite a few sessions, but it actually relieved her asthma. We took her back maybe once a year for a tune-up, I called it. And I just stayed on that path, reading alternative things, and was always interested in it, and would share it with other people. I had passion for it. And when I retired from my day job, I’m a retired master plumber, the acupuncturist said to me one day, you’re retired, now you need something to do. He said, why don’t you
you get rid of allergies for people and I’ll teach you. So I thought about it for a while, took them up on it and that’s how I started. And then I just kept learning new modalities all the time and each time you go to a conference or a training session you’d meet new people and was introduced to the emotion code and the body code by Dr. Nelson. Just through different meetup stuff and I was always interested in radionics and then I started to take courses and classes in radionics and that’s…
what I do a lot of today, which is using scalar light for healing, which is a very powerful healing modality with the way that the Earth is now. Mother Earth is scalar right now and we’re becoming scalar. Many people are, so it’s scalar light. Most people don’t know what that is. It’s hard to explain. The best answer I have for it is it’s the light from the sun and the stars and it’s divine light basically. So it’s a very
healing modalities the way I like to put it.
Charisse Sisou (04:49)
I love that. And the earth is in scalar now, right?
Steve (04:53)
Earth became scalar in 2019. So yeah, and we’re all, a lot of people talk about the ascension process. The ascension process is basically expanding the resonance of our heart energy. A lot of people call about raising your frequency and your vibration, that’s all part of it, it’s just a way to describe it. So Mother Earth is basically doing the same thing. And as you can tell in the world, there’s a lot of.
things coming out into mainstream on the what’s been going on for a long time that’s not so nice, I guess you would say. So it’s like a purging that’s taking place. Mother Earth is purging, the universe is purging, people here are purging, and it’s bringing things to light and waking people up in a way that they’ve never been woken up before. Not everyone will wake up, but those who choose to and do some research can definitely find many things out there now that…
Charisse Sisou (05:33)
Steve (05:50)
you never thought possible before.
Charisse Sisou (05:51)
So how does…
How does dowsing fit into the work that you do? Because I know that you are a dowser. You’ve trained with some exceptional dowsers. Yeah, tell me more about that. And I think you use, like, you’re device-less, right, in terms of dowsing?
Steve (06:12)
Yeah, I like to do muscle testing. There’s about eight, nine different ways of muscle testing, which basically, even with dowsing, if you use the pendulum or you use dowsing rods or you use your body, that’s all considered dowsing. It’s tapping into an innate information that’s in the universe and bringing it through your body to be able to pick up on it and get the results.
answers that you want to get from your subconscious mind that you have no awareness that is going on. So I deal with the subconscious mind a lot. Your subconscious mind knows everything about you. And the challenging part is to ask the right question to get to the root cause of whatever imbalance that you may have. So I use my fingers here, I don’t know if you can see them okay, so a strong finger is a yes and a flick loose is a no.
Charisse Sisou (06:47)
Steve (07:07)
And that’s how I muscle test instead of using a pendulum or dowsing rods. I do pendulums and dowsing rods too. I use dowsing rods to find negative energy leys underneath the ground and do house clearings, house clearings for all detrimental energies. So I do use them for that, but for the normal, I’m muscle testing with my fingers. And it’s, it’s pretty accurate too. So.
Charisse Sisou (07:13)
Thank you.
Mm-hmm. Well, it’s like I find they’re all ways of accessing the same information, right? And I think different methods are, some are better for it. Like dowsing rods are particularly good for the ley line stuff. That’s really cool.
Steve (07:37)
Yes, they’re very, very sensitive. So I had a, I had a client one time who I was teaching to do some muscle testing and in a ring fashion, which is this way and you pull it through strong ring is a yes and a pull through is a no. And he couldn’t do it and he wasn’t getting it. And people resonate with the different forms of the muscle testing. So I released some trapped emotions for him that I was getting that were blocking his ability to.
Charisse Sisou (07:57)
Steve (08:14)
to do the dowsing and after I did that, I said, okay, try it again. And the next time he tried it right there in front of me, it worked for him and his eyes got bigger around the saucers that it actually worked. So it got rid of a block that he had with trapped emotions to allow him to do the dowsing. So it’s pretty interesting sometimes.
Charisse Sisou (08:34)
Oh, absolutely. Tell me, tell us more about trapped emotions,
Steve (08:39)
So trapped emotions are very powerful that can cause imbalances, but they’re very powerful to get rid of, for instance. It’s in your subconscious mind is what you ask. For instance, if you had pain in your left knee, I would muscle test and ask what trapped emotions are causing the pain in your left knee, and then release those trapped emotions. And many times, if you’re not, didn’t physically hurt your knee, the pain will go away.
Charisse Sisou (08:48)
And this is in your subconscious, right?
Steve (09:09)
and it’s pretty amazing how it works, but they cause other imbalances in the body. They’re related to different organs in the body. So, if you can get rid of your trapped emotions, it’s just helping your body get rid of extra baggage it’s carrying around that it doesn’t need to allow your body to come into balance and heal itself. So.
Charisse Sisou (09:09)
Steve (09:30)
I’ll share a personal story that I share with many clients. When I learned this modality, part of the package was to go to a three-day healing and wellness event with Dr. Nelson in Lake Las Vegas. My wife was fairly psychic and she had a premonition we weren’t going to be able to go. She didn’t close up the suitcase until the night we were supposed to leave the next morning. She said, well, I guess we’re going. Nothing happened. Well, I ate supper
and right after eating supper she left the house for a little bit. I broke out in hives, top to bottom, solid hives everywhere. There wasn’t a white spot on me the size of a dime. And she came back home and looked at me and freaked out and said, thinking about taking me to the hospital worrying my throat would close up, and put some Benadryl out and something else out when she had hives a couple years earlier. I said, I’m not going to the hospital.
Charisse Sisou (10:03)
Steve (10:27)
I learned all this stuff, I’ll fix myself. I know what you’re thinking, stubborn man, but I learned all this technique. So I sat on the couch I’m sitting on right now and I asked if there was trapped emotions caused my hives and I got a yes, I released about five. I felt better, still had the hives. And I thought, what else did I learn? Cause I was brand new at all this. And resonance trapped emotion came up.
and the resonance trapped emotions, they now call them reverberation trapped emotions, but they’re vibrating in your body 24 seven and just hammering you. I released that resonance trapped emotion and within 10 minutes, my hives were completely gone. Gone and never came back. So 10 minutes. Normally when I learn new healing modalities, something happens to me in the beginning of it to show me the power of it, to be able to express it to other people.
Charisse Sisou (10:57)
in 10 minutes. That’s amazing.
to test it.
Steve (11:20)
to teach them and also to teach me. So that’s one of the most profound ones I know of and it happened to me. So there’s a pretty interesting story in my opinion.
Charisse Sisou (11:32)
Yeah, absolutely. That’s it’s fascinating. And I will, and I love you’re a hundred percent that you’re a hundred percent. Right. I’ve noticed it in my own experience where I’ll learn something that’s like mind expanding or, you know, shifting and almost immediately there’ll be that test, right. Or that like, let’s see if this is really true or an opportunity to see it work, which is really cool.
What causes an emotion to be trapped?
Steve (12:04)
It’s taking on something that may be hurtful. And instead of releasing it and letting it go immediately, it traps in the body and it just stays there. And you need to recognize it in order to release it. It’s similar to trauma and things like that. You have to look at it, recognize it, and do a protocol to release that trauma from the body. Get stuck in the tissues and the different organs.
Charisse Sisou (12:09)
Steve (12:31)
There’s trapped emotions in many different organs and all over, it can be anywhere. And Dr. Nelson also preached all the time, anything can cause anything. So none of it has to make sense per se. We like to imply common sense into this stuff, you know, this is wrong, we should do this. Well, that doesn’t apply with most of this work. So you just have to trust and go with it. So and then most of the time you get pretty good results.
Charisse Sisou (12:40)
Yeah, I was going to say then the results just speak for themselves. It’s interesting, I was having a conversation with Marty Lucas and we were talking about something similar and he was like, you know, what’s the harm in trying, right? Like what do you lose by trying the modality and if you get the results you want, voila, you know what I mean?
Steve (13:20)
Exactly right. We’re exactly right.
Charisse Sisou (13:23)
Yeah, excellent. So how do you, this comes up a lot and this fascinates me, this idea of, with dowsing, it’s really not about the answers, it’s about the questions and identifying those questions to ask. So how do you figure out what questions, how do you figure out which questions to ask?
Steve (13:48)
So one of the most important questions to ask after you get a question is, is it the right question? And if it’s not, then you dowse again and again and again, until you get the answer that it’s the right question. Because there’s different layers to healing, there’s different answers to different questions many times. Sometimes you’ll have to actually use two or three different answers to those questions in a group.
Charisse Sisou (13:57)
Bingo. That’s great.
Steve (14:17)
setting kind of to get to the total root cause of whatever the imbalances we’re looking for. So there’s layers to healing and layers to all this stuff. So getting rid of just one thing typically isn’t the total answer because there’s more layers to it. So and there’s so many different modalities to it. There’s over 700 different modalities in Dr. Nelson’s body code alone. So and in radionics there’s
Charisse Sisou (14:19)
Steve (14:47)
many, many different things as well. And so yeah, asking the right question is, is like I say, that’s the most challenging part sometimes. So if a client says I got pain in my knee, they’ve given me a target to look at. Well, what’s causing the pain in the knee? Could be something they physically did, or it could be trapped emotions, or it could be an inherited trapped emotion, which their subconscious mind will tell us.
Charisse Sisou (14:57)
Steve (15:16)
and we release that. There’s many different types of trapped emotions. And then you ask, is this the right question to ask? If you get a yes, then go ahead and do the work, basically. So, that makes sense?
Charisse Sisou (15:28)
Sure. Well, and it does make sense. And I think something I think is important to touch on too is these questions around like consent and like, I know when I worked with you, for example, like my daughter and I both worked with you.
it was important that she agreed to her, you know what I mean? Like I couldn’t on her behalf. And I know this is talked about a lot in the dowsing community is like, should I, can I, do I have permission to, or like, and I think, is that a part of your practice or is that something that built in?
Steve (16:11)
Yeah, may I, can I, should I is always important. And then you also ask if this timing is right to do it now. Because sometimes just because you want to assist somebody and they are a client maybe, maybe the timing to do what you’re going to do for them isn’t the right timing because they’re getting a root canal at that time, or they’re having an operation or something. So it’s not the right time. And through the dowsing or muscle testing, you’ll get that answer. So…
Charisse Sisou (16:29)
Steve (16:39)
You might not know what the reason is, but you’re getting told by divine energy, let’s call it, a no right now. And then later on you can research it and check into it. All of it’s designed to do no harm. That’s the other final question you always ask before you start anything is will it do no harm?
Charisse Sisou (17:02)
That’s beautiful. I’d love to hear some examples. Like for example, you mentioned talking about the body and I think it makes sense that there are so many modalities because every one of us is so different. We’ve had different life experiences. We’ve got different lineages, ancestry. So it makes sense that there’d be…
a plethora of approaches and that not everything is going to work for everyone. do you have an example of, how you might think it’s one thing but it’s really something else, like you know you go down one road but it actually turned out to be something else, has that come up for you?
Steve (17:41)
Oh sure, a lot of different times it does. Let’s say you get the common cold. What caused the common cold? Hardly anybody knows what caused it. Was it a certain frequency? Was it a certain vibration? Was it something you ate and you reacted to it? Lot of times it’s because your immune system is a little weak and it couldn’t fight off the different issues where the common cold maybe came from. So there’s always underlying things for everything.
So what I shoot for is to get rid of toxins and poisons in people, and which is feeding whatever virus they may have. And then after that, maybe going after the frequency or the energy of the actual virus itself. And once you do that, then the body is more in balance and then the body will heal itself. So.
Charisse Sisou (18:32)
Right, right. And even to your point, the example of the cold, you know, it might be that the exposure is, you know, your toddler sneezes in your face or something, let’s say, but why does the body actually, you know, shift into disease versus health?
Steve (18:49)
Yeah, you could put five people side by side and have that same sneeze happen to all of them and two of them won’t have a problem and three will. Why is that kind of thing? So you got each person’s individual. And I’m not doing the healing. I’m just assisting your body, bringing your body into balance because you actually do your own healing.
Charisse Sisou (18:57)
Right. Exactly.
How does it work with allergies?
Steve (19:11)
let’s say you have a virus in your computer. What is that? Somebody infiltrated your computer and added some kind of virus which corrupted your hard drive or whatever it’s gonna do, what programs you have. So the mind is similar to a computer. It remembers everything. And when I do the allergy stuff, I introduce the frequency of the allergen on your…
on your chest and use four different colored cold laser lights and shine those lights through the allergen on your chest for typically six minutes. And what it’s doing is it’s telling your brain that there’s nothing wrong with this. There’s not poison. It’s not toxic. So it’s rebooting the connection between your body and your brain to say everything is okay. So it’s…
Charisse Sisou (19:48)
Steve (20:06)
the mind and the body just rebooting it and connecting it. I do a little other kind of positive affirmations when I do it, but you don’t really have to, but I do because I like to make sure it works out the way it’s supposed to. So it’s kind of like rebooting your computer. You’re rebooting your body and your brain, getting it to talk one another more. So if it’s a food intolerance, the system I use for that won’t work, and then…
Charisse Sisou (20:15)
Steve (20:32)
You may want to use the body code system for it to find out what the intolerance is. That’s different. So there’s again another variable.
Charisse Sisou (20:37)
at the root of it.
Mm. Wow, that’s fascinating. Well, and it’s just this idea of it’s not, which of course, but it’s not the food, right? It’s not the pollen. It’s whatever that story is or whatever that pattern, like to put it like that sort of almost like neural pathway, that’s not the right word, but it’s like that association.
And then so what you’re basically teaching the body to do is to create a different association that overrides that earlier or like replaces it. Okay.
Steve (21:19)
That’s correct. Your subconscious mind is creating this for whatever reason. For instance, there was a lady who had an allergy to, let’s say, apples. And every time she ate an apple, she had a reaction to it had to go to the bathroom, for instance. If you can dig deeper into the subconscious mind, and usually it goes back to childhood, found out that one day when she was eating an apple,
Charisse Sisou (21:32)
Steve (21:49)
in her room, her mother came in and scolded her and gave her a spanking or whatever for not picking up her room or doing something. So after that, her subconscious mind related eating an apple to getting a scolding, okay? So that created this reaction in her body. So you have to go back to the beginning, to the source of it, and you have to clean up the subconscious mind, basically.
Charisse Sisou (22:04)
Wow, that’s amazing.
are you seeing any, you know, with like kind of like what we were talking about, the earth having shifted into scalar energy,
and just so there’s this different resonance on the planet, have you noticed any shifts in the challenges that people are coming to you with in terms of, you know…
Steve (22:42)
Oh yeah, there’s a lot of challenges right now, especially from what I call the dark side. Negative entities, whatever you want to call them. There, some people don’t believe in them. They’re very active right now. I’ve worked with many different healers, very gifted healers, and they all have dealt with them and deal with them. I’ve taken classes on that. Actually, I deal with them myself and they’re very active. So.
Charisse Sisou (22:47)
Steve (23:11)
just to share a little story. So when I first started getting into this, and I’m reading a book by Raymon Grace, very well known international dowser, he’s talking about demonic beings and all this stuff, ghosts basically. And I’m thinking to myself, if I had stupid wrote across my forehead at first, because it sounded so far out there to me, never been exposed to it. So I was reading about it. Well, I had a client here one night, about five, six o’clock and did the allergy session for, and when…
Charisse Sisou (23:29)
Steve (23:40)
When she went to leave, she looked at me and our eyes locked together, and I felt something come from her to me. And I went, hoo, and my wife says, what’s the matter? I said, I think something came from her to me. So, I never knew about this a month prior to this, by the way, so I didn’t think much about it. The next morning, my financial lady calls, who we knew quite well, and is talking to me, and she says, what’s the matter with you?
Charisse Sisou (23:48)
Steve (24:09)
And I said, what do you mean what’s the matter with me? Say, don’t I sound like my normal chipper self? She said, you sound awful. And I’m like, okay, well there’s validation. So after I got out the phone with her, I went and sat down, did the clearing that I learned in Raymon Grace’s book, and the feeling I had that dark energy, let’s say, was gone. So then I thought, that’s interesting. So there again, I was my first client. So then I just did it for a few people, just for the heck of it.
Charisse Sisou (24:30)
Steve (24:39)
to see if there was something to it and it affected other people too. And I was getting validations that they felt lighter and felt something shift and all this stuff. Well, I guess there’s something to it because we can’t see all these energy things. So it takes a while to build in that trust factor. Same with your dowsing. It takes a while to build in that trust factor. And I’m a skeptic.
Charisse Sisou (24:58)
Steve (25:04)
And it took a lot for me to build in these trust factors for some of this stuff, but the more I did it, the more results I was getting, and that’s what builds the trust. And then you get to a point where you just go with it and you’re definitely assisting people and helping people. If you don’t believe in it, fine, doesn’t matter to you. If the person’s being bothered and haunted and the pictures are falling off the wall in your house, you might wanna call somebody that can help with that. So it’s up to you.
Charisse Sisou (25:32)
Steve (25:34)
I’m not trying to convince anybody of anything. I just know the clients I get, they’re calling me because they find out about it and I’m able to help them. So it’s just a whole different world, I tell you.
Charisse Sisou (25:48)
It is, it is. I find that as I walk this path, I’m learning about stuff that I never thought I would be learning about.
Steve (25:56)
Yeah. So one other thing I’ll share about the dark side is they can actually cause people to become sick and they can definitely cause people to become suicidal. From what I’ve learned with this and with other healers is many, many people who have mental illness and suicidal, it’s all because the dark side is influencing their subconscious mind. So do I have proof of that? No, it’s just that what I’ve seen
Charisse Sisou (26:08)
Steve (26:25)
and experience with people and when you do a clearing and all of a sudden they’re fine. I had one client who was in a mental, checked herself into a mental hospital and I learned about it from a friend of hers, did a clearing for her and they checked her out the next day.
So there’s pretty good validation. Does it happen all the time like that? No, but does it hurt to do that work for somebody and give them a fighting chance? I don’t think so.
Charisse Sisou (26:48)
Right, right. Like why not try it, you know, and because if it works, it works. And then, you know, no harm, no foul, right? Oh, absolutely. I think, you know, I’ve heard that same thing. I think Dr. Michelle talks about this where our, you know, what the soul wants, what our body want, our, our like primary drive is to live. Right. And so, you know, that’s how she explained it to me was
Steve (27:07)
Charisse Sisou (27:25)
So if we’re having these ideation of the opposite, it’s not coming from us, right? And what other folks have shared with me as well is like, you know, when we think about like entities or like what happened with you, something similar happened to me where it was like, I literally felt, and even I’m not like a visual.
Like I’m not a, what do they call it? Like a clairvoyant where I see stuff. I usually just feel it in the body. So I definitely felt something, but it was like when I felt into what I was feeling, I literally saw like, it was like something cloudy and dark, like just jumped from one person to me. And so I got it out of my car right quick, but I was like, okay, let’s move this puppy on. But how it was explained to me too, is that these things can be caused by.
addictions, they can be caused by anger, like heart, you know what I mean? It’s like, we are powerful creators. And so we can create an energetic signature that then becomes, you know, almost like its own darkness. I know we’re, this is a spectrum.
Steve (28:35)
Well, right, addictions, let’s say, alcohol, for instance. You’re wondering why they call it spirits?
Charisse Sisou (28:45)
Hmm. Mm-hmm.
Steve (28:46)
So when you’re in a bar and you’re drinking alcohol or doing whatever, your frequency, your resonance is lower and you’re attracting the dark side, I call it. So your, I don’t want to say that, it’s just basically your frequency and your resonance aren’t as high as it could be or should be and then you’re in their environment. So I had a, I had a, when I first got into this was a.
Charisse Sisou (28:56)
Right. And it’s not even… Yeah, go ahead.
Steve (29:15)
a gal I knew and she was, her two children, they were pretty young at the time, were staying at her parents’ place. They were babysitting her while she was at work. I got talking to her about this and she said, well, lately when they’ve been staying there, there’s stuff that’s going bump in the night and different things and both of them had bruises on their arms. Now, immediately some people might think that somebody’s doing something to them but that wasn’t the case at all.
Charisse Sisou (29:43)
Steve (29:44)
Typically what I’ve learned is when that happens, it’s a poltergeist is what they call a poltergeist. So I said, well, let me see what I can do for you. So I did a clearing for it and it never ever happened again. And that was 10 years ago. So.
Charisse Sisou (29:59)
Wow, that’s amazing. So it was a clearing of the house, of the…
Steve (30:05)
I asked my divine team to take the poltergeist to the creator and do what must be done. So that’s basically how it works.
Charisse Sisou (30:13)
Yeah. Wow, that’s amazing. You are multi-talented. You just do it all, Steve.
Steve (30:21)
I’d do a fair amount.
Charisse Sisou (30:26)
Do you ever find that like, because I’m thinking about your where you started, right? Like you were professionally, you were a master plumber back in the day, you know, before like going down this road. And what I’ve found is there’s never any accidents, you know, like it’s no accident that you were a plumber and now you’re a, you know, energy healer, right?
Do you see any connection between, well, I guess blockages, right? Do you see any connection or, you know, anything that you’ve brought forward from your plumbing experience into what you do now?
Steve (31:03)
Well, I guess if you design a plumbing system, you have waste products just like the body does. You have water to feed the building. We’re 70, 80% water in our body. You have all these different currents and pathways in the body. So the same kind of design work can be associated with it a little bit. So it’s a little similar, but still quite a bit different.
Charisse Sisou (31:24)
Yes, yeah, absolutely.
Ah, anything else? Like what would you, you know, if there’s anything? Oh yeah. Yes.
Steve (31:37)
Okay, what I want to share is for people to get out of the past, leave the past behind, it doesn’t exist anymore, live in a present moment, and have positive thoughts. Many people have negative thoughts all the time, constantly.
You are a creator being, like you said, you create your environment, you create your reality. Every time you go down this negative thought stuff, whatever you’re doing, you’re sometime down the road, you’re creating that. So you need to stay in the now, you need to have positive thoughts. It doesn’t matter what it is. Let’s say somebody gets mad at me, for instance, and starts, isn’t happy with something or whatever. So for me, I kind of look at that person and think, well, they’ve got a lot of.
personal issues going on in their life for them to act that way. So, if it doesn’t, if I don’t react to it, then the imbalance isn’t in me. If I react to it, then there’s something I need to look out that’s in me causing me to react to that situation. You want to get to the point where you’re, what Dr. Peal talks about being scalar, what also what I talk about being neo. Neo is N-E-O, is non-emotional observer.
Charisse Sisou (32:46)
Steve (32:56)
If you just observe the people around you and what’s going on, even if it’s a fight or whatever it is, and you just look at it and observe it, then none of that sticks to you. It just falls off. And it won’t affect you getting mad, getting upset, crying, anything, because you’re just observing the energy of what’s taking place. That’s the number one golden rule today, in my opinion, is to be neo.
Charisse Sisou (32:56)
Hmm. Just like the movie, just like the Matrix, sort of. But I love that idea of, you know, it’s really like remembering that. I think of that too, is like sometimes I’ll call that like higher perspective or broader perspective of just seeing the bigger picture, you know, it’s and so, yeah, so well, that’s perfect because I was just about to ask, like, you know, what do you do? Like, how do you stay?
Steve (33:22)
Pretty much.
Charisse Sisou (33:45)
in the now? How do you stay in positive emotions? Of course, emotions must come up. Stuff happens.
Steve (33:54)
Well, Dr. Nelson says an adult like myself can have up to a thousand trapped emotions. That’s quite a few. I’ve probably released about 500 or so. So there’s still more to go. So if I would get triggered from something, I would look at if there’s a trapped emotion or event that caused that and then release that trapped emotion from that event and then I’m one step closer to being NEO more easily. So I’m pretty good at it, being NEO.
not saying I can’t get tripped up because we’re all still human. So, yeah.
Charisse Sisou (34:27)
That’s great. But I love what you said where it’s like, it’s almost like an indicator, like, oh, if this is coming up, there must be a something, a trapped emotion, a something behind this that’s like, it’s like, why is this sticking to me almost, right? And so it’s an opportunity to look.
Steve (34:36)
That’s exactly right, yes.
Charisse Sisou (34:48)
That’s great.
Steve (34:49)
Because you could be standing next to three people and they could say that phrase or that saying and two of them weren’t bothered at all, but you were. Why is that? They said the same thing, right? Well, it’s because something happened to you in your childhood more than likely or your life. And it’s a trigger for you. And that’s an aha awareness. Let’s look at that and fix that and heal it and get rid of it. So yes, you are correct.
Charisse Sisou (35:13)
Mm. You mentioned, if I may ask, you mentioned that your wife was a psychic. Did she, like, because I know that you came to, you know, after your daughter had her health issues, and that kind of brought you onto this path and sort of opened you up and woke you up. Was she, was it similar or did she kind of
Did she always know that she was psychic? Like, did you guys have parallel journeys is what I wanted to ask for.
Steve (35:47)
Not really. She was gifted as a child and then through religion, I’ll say, she shut it down. She got afraid of it and she didn’t look at it for years. And when I got into the healing arts, let’s say, we started to look at that more closely and try to activate that in her more and have her accept her gifts, per se. And so we were on that kind of journey together.
When I learned the trapped emotions and stuff like that, she was on board with all of that, of course, because it was also helping to heal her childhood traumas and things like that, so.
Charisse Sisou (36:29)
Beautiful, beautiful partnership.
Steve (36:33)
48 years. She’s been gone about six and a half now.
Charisse Sisou (36:34)
Hmm. Well, I love you honor her so beautifully on your site where you talk about her being on the other side, but still protecting and taking care of you and your daughters and the grandkids. I think that’s really lovely. Any last thoughts? Well, or we could just reiterate the point that you made before it is stay in the now.
Steve (37:05)
Stay in the now and don’t be bothered by the little things out there. Ask yourself if what I’m being bothered by today, is that going to bother me in five years down the road or is it just bothering me for the next couple days? If it’s a couple days, what’s the point in getting bothered about it for? So yeah, just observe it. Look at it. I mean, there are things that you have a right to get upset about. I’m not saying that, but there’s a lot of things that go on that you choose to get upset about. So.
Charisse Sisou (37:23)
Steve (37:36)
It’s your choice. If you have more awareness for it and you practice the being the neo part, the non-emotional observer, the more you do it, the more awareness you have, the easier life will become because it gets rid of a lot of chaos that you don’t need.
Charisse Sisou (37:46)
Absolutely, absolutely. And I love that because we can’t be responsible for what other people do or what’s happening outside of us. We can only be responsible for our response to it, is what I’m hearing you say.
Steve (38:12)
Yeah, yeah. And I teach some clients different ways to say things, how to talk, which we don’t even know we’re not saying it the right way. For instance, if you were going to drive home at night and you didn’t want to hit a deer driving home or some other animal, most people would say, I don’t want to hit a deer on the way home. Well, that put a negative in the sentence, which makes it a positive. So you’re asking to hit a deer.
So you want to say something on the order of, I will get home safely.
Charisse Sisou (38:47)
Steve (38:48)
It’s so simple and yet we don’t think about it. And that happens with many, many things. What rolls off our tongue we create, Dr. Peal’s talked about that many, many times. And if you can teach some people that they won’t get it on their own until you start teaching them and even when you’re talking to them for a half an hour and you keep making them aware of how they said something and they go, oh, I didn’t even know I was saying it like that. We just have never been taught this stuff.
It’s a shame because the world would be in a different place if we were taught some of this stuff.
Charisse Sisou (39:24)
Right. Can you imagine? Well, that’s
The thing is it’s already happening. I mean, I think about when I was a kid, you know, I’m going to date myself, but there was no internet. So what, what I was learning, I was just learning from my friends and from books and from, you know, and now, um, it’s so different, right? Like kids can literally go on YouTube and, and see a video on, on dowsing or on energy healing or on Reiki, like in a way that it’s really, it’s such an exciting.
time. It is such an exciting time because I think what you’re describing is coming into fruition where we are learning about it younger and younger and younger and you have awakened souls like you um imparting that you know that knowledge to other people and young including young people and so it can really change that.
Steve (40:16)
Well, we are waking up more
That awareness is coming out more all the time, but it’s at the early stages right now, I would say. And most people find it, they go, ah, hard to believe, I don’t think that, I don’t believe that. Well, I can’t tell anybody what to believe. I can only share information with them, and it’s up to them to do their own research and figure out what they choose they wanna believe to have a better life.
Charisse Sisou (40:40)
Totally, totally. All we can say is like, this is what’s working for me.
Like just to be conscious, like just like you were saying, be conscious of the language. I love that you said that where when
when we say something, even if we’re saying it in the negative, like the dear story, it’s actually creating that thing. The way I think of it is like our subconscious just hears the meat of what we said.
Steve (41:06)
we operate 95% of our day with our subconscious mind. And it’s hard to believe that, but that’s what I’ve been taught and what I’ve been trained. So let’s say you drive on the highway and you drive for 30 miles. How much of those 30 miles do you remember? So what was happening? You were driving your car down the road that whole time with your subconscious mind. And it’s kind of how we go about our daily routines. You don’t…
Charisse Sisou (41:22)
Steve (41:33)
You don’t think about certain things all the time during the day. So your subconscious mind is automatically doing those things for you. So the more awareness you can have about what’s happening. So your subconscious mind takes everything literally too it takes it as truth. It doesn’t understand right from wrong. And yes and no, whatever you say, that’s the way it’s taken it. So for instance, if someone wants to, um, lose some weight, for instance, I recommend that they not say.
I want to lose some weight because your subconscious mind thinks you lost it and it’s going to find it for you again. So I recommend people say, I want to give my extra weight away to somebody who needs it. Something like that.
Charisse Sisou (42:05)
Right. Exactly.
That’s an interesting thought. Yeah. Yes. Well, that I knew about like the, the losing. I never thought to like give it away to someone else.
Steve (42:19)
Why not benefit somebody else, right?
Charisse Sisou (42:30)
Absolutely. That’s so true. That’s so true. All right, my friend, this has been a wonderful conversation. Are there any last words that you would like to offer as we close?
Steve (42:44)
Be, do whatever you can that brings you the most joy. And whatever brings you the most love and gratitude. Those two words are really powerful. If you can give love and gratitude to things during the day, it could be looking at a small bird, it could be looking at the blue sky, it could be looking at a person. Just give love and gratitude to the universe for that experience.
Just love and gratitude alone each day as an affirmation is very powerful.
Charisse Sisou (43:17)
Mm. Well said. Well said. Beautiful sentiment. Thank you so much for your time today. Thank you so much for your wisdom. And I know that this will help uplift the collective and help share the word of, you know, just what you do and the power of really being responsible for our thoughts, responsible for our responses. Thank you so much, Steve.
Steve (43:44)
Thank you, it’s been a pleasure.
Thanks for joining me on Wise Body, Ancient Soul. I hope it reminds you how magical and powerful you truly are. Kindly subscribe, rate, and review this podcast so more juicy light bringers like you can hear these transmissions. And if you’re looking to connect more deeply with your body and soul’s wisdom, visit to learn how else we can play together. Here’s to your joy and wild success! From my heart to yours, I love you. Take what you need and pass it on.

Intuitive guide, energy teacher, and mentor, Charisse Sisou connects soulful leaders with the people, impact, ease, and prosperity they desire, through the power of story, body, and ancient wisdom redefined.
As an author, speaker, messaging expert, and bellydancer, she brings revolutionary tools and insights to elevate your life and business—with pleasure, ease, and grace.